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EYFS KS1 NURSERY RHYMES teaching resources including role play, PowerPoints and display

EYFS KS1 NURSERY RHYMES teaching resources including role play, PowerPoints and display

This is a set of 42 resources: PowerPoints, display and role play activities. PRINTABLES: ROLE PLAY masks / puppets for the following nursery rhymes: Baa baa black sheep (black sheep, dame, master and sack) Hey Diddle Diddle (cat, cow, dog, dish and spoon) Goosey Goosey Gander (Goose and old man) Humpty Dumpty (Egg) Jack and Jill (2 versions, one colour, one black and white) Hickory Dickory Dock (mouse) Peter Peter (pumpkin) Incy wincy spider Twinkle Twinkle little star Wee Willie Winkie Plus a variety of girl / boy / woman and man masks DISPLAY: A-Z Lettering with a nursery rhyme theme Nursery Rhyme 3 page banner Nursery Rhyme border Sheep number line to 20 Nursery Rhymes large lettering Nursery Rhymes colouring book - with 15 different nursery rhymes Nursery Rhyme colourful posters with an A4 heading, displaying one rhyme per A4 page. The rhymes are: Baa Baa black sheep Doctor Foster Goosey Goosey Gander Hickory Dickory Dock Incy Wincy Jack be nimble Little Jack Horner Little Boy Blue Mary, Mary Old King Cole Polly put the kettle on Ride a cock horse Rock a bye baby Sing a song of sixpence There was an old woman Three Blind Mice POWERPOINTS: 16 individual animated Nursery Rhyme PowerPoint presentations: 1 2 Buckle my shoe Baa Baa Black sheep Goosey Goosey gander Hey Diddle Diddle Hickory Dickory Dock Humpty Dumpty Incy Wincy Spider Jack and Jill Mary had a little lamb Old King Cole Sing a song of sixpence The Owl and the Pussycat The Three little kittens This little piggy Twinkle Twinkle PLUS Nursery Rhyme Collection: (In PowerPoint format, with Sassoon font; each rhyme is on 1 page) Goosey Goosey Gander Hey Diddle Diddle Humpty Dumpty Hickory Dickory Dock Jack and Jill Jack Spratt Jack be nimble Jack Horner Little Miss Muffet Little Bo Peep Little Boy Blue Mary Mary Old Mother Hubbard Peter Peter Polly put the kettle on Ring o' Rosies Rock-a-bye baby There was an old woman Three Blind Mice Twinkle Twinkle Wee Willie Winkie
Daily routine flash cards for visual sequencing, SEND, EYFS

Daily routine flash cards for visual sequencing, SEND, EYFS

The cards can be used to help children plan the day, get ready for what is happening next and to communicate with others. There are 72 cards included; 9 to each A4 sheet. Updated version added February 2023* If there are any other activities / extra cards you would like adding to the pack, please send a message and I can add them.
The Gingerbread Man resource pack: powerpoints display activities and masks

The Gingerbread Man resource pack: powerpoints display activities and masks

A large pack of resources. It includes: POWERPOINTS: The Gingerbread Man Story The Smelly Cheese Man (an alternative version of the story) The Gingerbread Man poem ACTIVITIES Acrostic poem (spelling out Gingerbread Man) Blank speech / thought bubbles: 8 different sizes and shapes to print out and fill in. Counting cards: 0 to 20 in numerals and Gingerbread Man faces to match up / play snap etc. Vocabulary cards: 18 words and matching pictures. Can be used for games, display or labelling activities. Counting cards: Cards to laminate different numbers of Gingerbread men and a box for writing in the number. Characters to print and use for stick puppets Larger characters - 2 per A4 page for display / other activities. Gingerbread Man clipart: black and white to colour Gingerbread Man clipart: Colour Gingerbread men to print: Large men in black and white, different versions, to make own faces / clothes etc. Sequencing pictures: 10 small pictures. The children can cut them up and stick in sequence, or they can be laminated and used for an activity. Story sheets: Contains the same images in the sequencing pictures but there is one picture per A4 page with lines for the children to compose their own story. Wanted poster Word mat containing vocabulary needed for the story. Writing border: 2 different designs; colour and black and white. DISPLAY A4 Heading x 2 A-Z lettering - to cut out for display Lettering/banner: The Gingerbread Man - prints onto 6 pages. There are 3 different designs. Border: Images of the Gingerbread Man to frame a display Alphabet a-z in lower case with a gingerbread man background Number line 0-20 with digits and written numbers with a gingerbread man circle background The Gingerbread Man poem MASKS 13 character masks to act out the story.
Alphabet bingo - initial sounds game

Alphabet bingo - initial sounds game

This set contains 20 picture bingo cards and 20 letter bingo cards to play in large or small groups. Each card prints onto an A4 page (although you can alter the printer settings to print smaller versions if required.) The small calling cards (pictures and letters) can be used to cover up or match the picture or letter sounds. The larger calling cards (pictures and letters) can be held up for the children to look at.
Alphabet line / frieze for display with lower and upper case letters

Alphabet line / frieze for display with lower and upper case letters

This set contains 26 alphabet flashcards in lower case and 26 in upper and lower case, both in Sassoon Primary font, with pictures matching each initial letter sound. There are also alternate lower case letters for f and k, plus ck, ll, ff, ss and zz. There are 2 cards per A4 page for you to print as many times as you like. They can be used as flashcards, for an alphabet frieze or other display work.
Alphabet / Letters, digraphs and trigraphs A5 flashcards / display - 72 graphemes

Alphabet / Letters, digraphs and trigraphs A5 flashcards / display - 72 graphemes

This set contains all the letters of the alphabet, consonant digraphs and vowel digraphs and trigraphs in the Y1 spelling appendix. The cards are in pdf format for you to print out as many times as you like. They can be used as flashcards, for display or for group or individual use. There are 2 cards per A5 page. Each card contains pictures and a list of words, including the relevant common exception words for Y1. The single letter sounds contain the matching keyboard letter so they can help children on the keyboard. There are 3 separate files: PHONIC CARDS 1 26 letters of the alphabet plus ch sh th and wh PHONICS CARDS 2 All the graphemes identified in the Y1 spelling appendix PHONICS CARDS 3 Extra graphemes from the Letters and Sounds document ( ff ll ss zz ck ey ng and ure)
Initial letter sounds / phonics alphabet display

Initial letter sounds / phonics alphabet display

This set contains 4 different alphabet resources. Set 1: A4 Alphabet cards These contain a large letter with 3 or 4 pictures beginning with that initial sound. There is one letter per page, in portrait. Set 2: A4 Alphabet These contain a large letter plus pictures of objects that can be spelt phonically. There is one letter per page, in landscape Set 3: A4 Alphabet with HFW These contain a large letter plus pictures of objects that can be spelt phonically. It also includes HFW that are not spelt phonically. There is one letter per page, in landscape. Set 4: Blank Alphabet This set contains the alphabet in black and white for children to colour and decorate to make their own alphabet.
EYFS Animals topic: Number rhymes pack

EYFS Animals topic: Number rhymes pack

A set of number rhyme resources to use during an Animal topic in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc. The rhymes are: 5 Baby turtles 5 Little birds 5 Little monkeys bouncing 5 Little monkeys swinging 5 Little spiders 8 Enormous dinosaurs
EYFS Food topic: Number rhymes pack

EYFS Food topic: Number rhymes pack

A set of number rhyme resources to use when teaching about food in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc. The rhymes are: One potato Two potato 5 Big Lemons 5 Crispy Pancakes 5 Currant Buns 5 Fat Peas 10 Fat Sausages
Transport EYFS topic pack - powerpoints and activities

Transport EYFS topic pack - powerpoints and activities

A set of 13 PowerPoint resources and several printable activities looking at different types of transport for early years. POWERPOINT FILES: 5 Little men in a flying saucer: The song A-Z of transport: Pictures for every letter of the alphabet, related to transport How does it travel: A simple quiz Old and new transport: Compares old and new kinds of transport Row your boat: The song The history of cars: Pictures of cars, how they have changed The history of transport: From the Stone age to the modern age. The Wheels on the bus: The song, with sounds and animations Types of transport: Different kinds with labels Transport 2: Different kinds, why we need it etc. Transport shapes: Simple shapes in the environment related to transport Vehicles that travel in the air: Pictures and facts Vehicles that travel on water: Pictures and facts Vehicles that travel on land: Pictures and facts Transport advertisements - Adverts from the past 100 years showing old cars etc. Can be printed or viewed as a show. PRINTABLE PDF ACTIVITIES: Transport lotto: Game to print out and laminate Shape car: A car to make by cutting out shape Black and white pictures with headings to colour / write on 5 Little Astronauts - props, heading and rhyme 5 Little Firefighters - props, heading and rhyme 5 Little men in a flying saucer - heading, props, masks and earth
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 word / help mats

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 word / help mats

The picture grapheme/word mat is to aid in the teaching and learning of further graphemes, and learning to read tricky words in phase 5. A pictorial example of each sound is shown with the letters to help children remember the graphemes. Also on the word mat are previous tricky words, which can be decoded in Phase 5, and the 11 tricky words for children to read in Phase 5. The second word mat contains the alternate spellings for phonemes on page 144 of the Letters and Sounds document.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3 word / help mats

Letters and Sounds Phase 3 word / help mats

The picture grapheme and word mat: This word mat is to aid in the teaching and learning of sounds and tricky words in phase 3. Each letter is accompanied by a relevant picture, to give children visual cues to help them learn each grapheme. Each group is represented in a different colour, so that it is easy to focus on the letter sounds being learnt. Also on the word mat are the 12 tricky words from phase 3 for the children to learn. Grapheme and word mat: The second word mat is similar to the first, but with the visual cues removed, to help those children who know which letters represent which sounds, but still need prompts to recognise the written letters. Phase 3 word mat - contains visual cues for Jolly Phonics.